The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

In the late 1930s, Gene turned down an offer of $3,000 to endorse a brand of cigarette.

News Archive: 2007

Autry National Center Summer Camp
June 25th through August 10th

Summer Camp at the Autry National Center this year has a Gene Autry theme to celebrate his Centennial. Campers will learn about cowboys and cowgirls, film making, live radio theater, comic books, and horses. Sign up now for all the summer fun!

Autry National Center Summer Camp

By Phone
You may purchase tickets in advance by phoning the Museum at:
(323) 667-2000, ext. 353.

To register, obtain a brochure, or for more information, please call Anneli at 323.667.2000 ext. 260, or email here.

For more information on Autry National Center Membership and benefits, read here.

For more information on events at the Autry,
visit their website's Calendar section.

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