The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

Gene was a compulsive gatherer of information and read three to four papers every day.

Book Information

Cowboy Princess: Life With My Parents Roy Rogers and Dale Evans


Cheryl Rogers-Barnett and Frank Thompson
Taylor Publishing
224 pages
Black-and-white photographs

He was the King of the Cowboys. She was the Queen of the West. They were the heroes of boys and girls everywhere who thrilled to their exploits in the movies and on TV. They were heroes to Cheryl Rogers-Barnett, too. But they were also Mom and Dad. She practically grew up on the Republic Studios lot, remembers Sons of the Pioneers rehearsals, and recalls her family being the subject of many a movie magazine story. Through it all, Roy and Dale remained in private what all of their fans believed them to be—honest, straightforward, loving people who lived lives of caring, adventure, and humor. This is her first hand account of the life every kid wished to have.

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