The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

Gene stated through the years that the only shoes he owned were golf shoes.

Film Info

Goldtown Ghost Riders

Columbia Pictures
Production #: 8128
59 minutes

Circuit-riding judge Gene Autry must deal out swift six-gun justice when he learns (via flashback) that Jim Granby and Ed Wheeler are con-artists, who faked a gold rush in a western town, resulting in crazed miners attempting to strike it rich. When Wheeler's daughter returned from the East, he tried to repent. Granby would not allow it, so Wheeler murdered him by means of an explosion in a mine tunnel. During his ten year prison sentence, Wheeler learned that Granby was not really killed. Knowing that he cannot be tried again for the same crime due to Double Jeopardy, Wheeler kills Granby for certain after he is released from jail. Gene, with the help of dynamite salesman Smiley Burnette, tries to decide what to do, when Granby's gang murders Wheeler. Gene and Smiley trail the outlaws and find them mysteriously dead, justice apparently given by the ghost riders often talked about in local legend.


Character: Performer:
Gene Autry Gene Autry
Smiley Burnette Smiley Burnette
Cathy Wheeler Gail Davis
Ed Wheeler Kirk Riley
Jim Granby Carleton Young
Teeno Neyle Morrow
Bernie Malloy Denver Pyle
Champion Champion, World's Wonder Horse


PONCHO'S WIDOW Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette
THE THIEVIN' BURRO Smiley Burnette


A Gene Autry Production
Director George Archainbaud
Producer Armand Schaefer
Story and Screenplay Gerald Geraghty
Director of Photography William Bradford, A.S.C.
Art Director George Brooks
Film Editor James Sweeney, A.C.E.
Set Decorator David Montrose
Assistant Director Paul Donnelly
Musical Supervisor Paul Mertz
Musical Director Mischa Bakaleinikoff

Watch a Clip from Goldtown Ghost Riders: