Rudolph, Wisconsin
Updated November 15, 2016
Did you know there is a Rudolph, Wisconsin? It was the second town established in Wood County and is located about seven miles north of Wisconsin Rapids. Incorporated in 1960, the village of Rudolph now has a population of 432 and combining the population of both the village and towns of Rudolph, the total is approximately 1814. Rudolph is one of the best dairy areas in Wisconsin. Dairy State Cheese, located at the corner of Main Street and Highway 34, is known throughout the United States for it’s over 100 varieties of cheeses.
The annual Rudolph's Country Christmas event, held the second Saturday in December, is the year-end climax to the celebration of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The first celebration was held in 2002. In 2003 a lighted Christmas parade was added. For a schedule of this year’s events, including the Gingerbread House Competition, Live Reindeer & Visit with Santa, and Belgian Horse Wagon Rides, visit their website here.
The town post office has a special reindeer cancellation stamp, COUNTRY CHRISTMAS STATION, DECEMBER 12, 2009, RUDOLPH, WISCONSIN that can be imprinted on outgoing mail. For the past several years, the Rudolph Postmaster has commissioned an elementary student to draw a one-day cancellation stamp using Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer as the theme.
Would you like to send your holiday mail this year with a Rudolph Postmark? Simply gather all your holiday greeting cards and mail them together in a larger envelope to the address below, making sure that each stamped envelope contains an insert (card, letter, etc.). Empty envelopes can be damaged by high-speed sorting equipment.
Mail the larger, properly stamped, First-Class Mail or Priority Mail envelope to:
Rudolph Postmark requests must arrive in Rudolph, WI, before December 12th. If you have questions just this procedure, contact the Rudolph, WI Post Office directly at (715) 435-3230.